4 thoughts on “342/366

    • Thank you, Nikki. Funny, as much as I love the writings of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, I wasn’t 100% sure about this quote mainly because of the word “choiceless”. There’s a fine line between being patient and passive after all. I’d like to think that what she was really trying to get at is the importance of remaining open and receptive. :-)

  1. I took from it that when we are in a situation where we must wait (we have no choice other than to), we should make the most of it. Actively, rather than passively, wait, and search for the good in what would otherwise be wasted time. :)

    • Actively waiting…Oh yes, I like your interpretation very much. OK, now I’m feeling inspired to pull my copy of “Gift from the Sea” down from its shelf to read again. It’s been several years and I imagine it’s one of those books that gets even better with age (the age of the reader that is). Thank you, Nikki!

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