IMG_20190201_0008.jpgHanging out in downtown Tucson with my Polaroid SX-70 and my first pack of film from Polaroid Originals.

If you’ve followed this blog for very long, you know I’ve been a loyal supporter, and frequent defender, of the Impossible Project in spite of the frustration and expense involved in using their instant film. Not that I ever really had much of a choice. Polaroid had abandoned their film business and so, for anyone wanting to shoot with a vintage Polaroid camera, it was the Impossible Project or nothing.

But now we’ve come full circle. The Impossible Project has been acquired by Polaroid and here are the results. Not only is this new film beautiful, it’s less expensive too. Goodbye Impossible Project and thank you for keeping my SX-70 going while the good people at Polaroid got their act together. I love this film!


I’ve been pleasantly surprised and encouraged by the small improvements I’ve encountered during my last several visits to the Salton Sea. (This spruced-up sign, for instance, used to look like this.) Interest in, and concern for, this ecologically-troubled area seems to be growing. Maybe there’s hope after all.

Photo taken with a Canon Rebel T2 and Fujichrome Velvia 100F 35mm color-slide film.


wonder-valleyGolden-hour light and shadow in the largely-abandoned expanse of Southern California desert known as Wonder Valley. Photo taken with a Canon Rebel T2 and Fujichrome Velvia 100F 35mm color-slide film.


wondervalleyGreetings from the Mojave Desert!

I actually took this one a while back (this is a film image and it takes me a while to get my stuff to the lab) but hope to get up there again soon now that temps are once again in the double digits. Forget pumpkin spice lattes, I can think of no better way to ring in autumn than with a desert photo safari. :-)

Photo taken with an old Canon Rebel T2 and Fujichrome Velvia 100F 35mm color-slide film.


Another shot from my afternoon at the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival. Taken with an old Canon Rebel T2 and Fujichrome Velvia 100F 35mm color-slide film.


Hanging out at the Riverside County Fair with my old Canon Rebel T2 and Fujichrome Velvia 100F 35mm color-slide film. I’m a classic-film buff which I think is why I love this film so much especially when photographing fairs, carnivals, and other colorful and timeless subjects. It’s as close as I’ll ever get to shooting Technicolor!


It’s almost that time again.

As much as I love digital photography, it does lack the element of surprise (and even the sensation of time travel) I often get when I drag my feet and accumulate a drawer full of film before finally sending it all in one fell swoop to the lab. This one is from last fall. :-)

Photo taken with a Canon Rebel T2 and Fujichrome Velvia 100F 35mm color-slide film.